Young Fluorescence Investigator award - Luca Lanzano'

Luca Lanzano' is the recipient of the Young Fluorescence Investigator Award 2021. The Young Fluorescence Investigator Award is given to an outstanding researcher at the beginning of his or her career for significant advancements and/or contributions in or using fluorescence methodologies. This award is sponsored by Horiba Scientific and consists of a $1,000 honorarium and an invitation to present a 20-minute research talk at the Biological Fluorescence Subgroup Meeting during the Biophysical Society Annual Meeting (, which this year takes place in virtual mode from 22 to 26 February 2021.


Luca Lanzano' is an Associate Professor of Applied Physics at the Department of Physics and Astronomy "Ettore Majorana", University of Catania ( He is also an Affiliated Researcher in the Nanoscopy group at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia in Genoa ( and a user of the Bio-nanotech Research and Innovation Tower (BRIT). His research, funded also by AIRC, is focused on the development of fluorescence microscopy and spectroscopy based methods, including super-resolution imaging techniques, and their application to the investigation of molecular mechanisms of cancer formation.